Cognitive Performance

For over a decade, Cognitive Performance, LLC has provided Transformational Training and Executive Coaching based on proven principles of behavioral science and neuroscience. Our programs teach individuals and organizations how to increase emotional intellegence, build team collaboration, and effectively remove barriers that impede success.   

From ordinary to extraordinary!

Each program helps to conquer obstacles that impede progress towards your goals. Executive career paths, relationships, and life trajectory can be altered positively within just a few hours with concentration on one of the Cognitive Performance solutions. 

Cognitive Performance is scientific based coaching platform that offers web-based services and in-person solutions to remove emotional resistance and cognitive barriers, so individuals become free of hindrances to the life of fulfillment they seek – one that encompasses more joy, happiness, fulfillment, and success.

The Cognitive Performance methods taps into one’s own inner drivers (values, beliefs, purpose, needs) to move away from self-doubt, fears, and anxieties, bringing them to a place of clear, introspective, and confident decisions that result in positive actions that result in a more abundant daily experience.

The Cognitive Performance methods can provide shortcut recovery, putting one onto the track to greater happiness, fulfillment and success!

Life can sometimes be painful, often that pain can be lasting, leading an individual experiencing emotional pain and self-sabotaging behaviors that can hinder work performance and damage relationships.  The Cognitive Performance methods are designed to help the both the expert and novice to learn and understand:

  • Get unstuck without a lot of unnecessary stress and effort
  • Communicate more effectively with co-workers, friends, and family 
  • Lead with purpose and clarity so others will benefit from your gifts, knowledge and expertise
  • Double your success factor without hours of dredging up the past, even if past trauma has been endured (confidential one-one mentorship coaching) 
  • End destructive behavior without shame, replacing it with affirming actions that lead to a calmer, more enjoyable, healthier existence, at work and at home

Please contact us to Ask the questions that help you Learn the Cognitive Performance system to rapidly achieve the results you desire.

Client Testimonials

Mark Robert Waldman

Mark Robert Waldman

Founder, NeuroWisdom 101, New York Times Best Selling Author

Bernadette is an exceptional coach and facilitator. Her natural ability to lead breakthrough conversations with sincere empathy is a gift. I have witnessed Bernadette coach, with incredible success, those who thought they were “uncoachable.” As the founder of NeuroWisdom 101, Bernadette has served on my advisory Neurocoaching Advisory committee and was the chair of our Nuerocoaching Conference. Her outstanding knowledge of the business environment, coupled with the expertise of motivating individuals and teams, has allowed her to bring the teachings of NeuroCoaching to a new level with the inception of BrainFIT Institute. She wholeheartedly lives the value of integrity in all that she does. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Bernadette.


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