Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan

Posted in: September 10, 2018 By: Bernadette Marie Wilson

Today I want to share with you all the importance of developing a plan and tracking progress towards it.

If you haven’t yet, make sure you download my e-book on Becoming Extraordinary. You can download it by entering your email here. You’ll find blog posts here to further unpack each section and give it to you in bite-sized pieces. I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Planning Through History

Let’s start by going back in history. While these days, the hectic and busy nature of our lives may make it seem close to impossible sometimes, planning has been going on for what feels like forever. Think back to Imhotep (2667-2600 BCE). If you aren’t familiar with this name, he was the architect of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Egypt. This is the oldest pyramid in Egypt, and it is still standing today. Think about the planning that had to go into this success. He lived in a world with no “how-to” guide, no Internet search engines, and no textbooks. He used his intelligence and ability to plan to construct this monumental accomplishment.

Pat Riley’s Success

You might be thinking, “How does this apply to me?” Well, think of a plan you have now or one that is in the works. Whether you’re planning your next move or simply your next vacation, mapping out the road to your goals is essential. I want to encourage you today to build a chart for your progress. Write down your goals for where you want to be in the next six months, in the next year, and even down the road up to 20 years. In my e-book, I shared a quote by Pat Riley, the successful coach behind the Los Angeles Lakers and the New York Nicks. He states, “plan your work, work your plan.” This can be applicable in all areas of our lives. Pat Riley was successful…and you can be too! In fact, you can be extraordinary.

Measuring Progress

Once you’ve got your plan, let’s talk progress. Progress can be measured in tiny amounts or in huge steps. If the goal is small, use small steps. Note little victories and successes along the way. If your goal is large, create goals along your timeline. These goals will vary, and remember – they can change. Just because you make a goal or plan at one point in your life doesn’t mean it is static. Leave it flexible, and give it room to grow if necessary.

Measuring Goals

I also shared a quote from Peter Drucker, who found success as a management consultant. His phrase, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure” speaks to me in this situation. You have to have a goal to measure. You have to pinpoint points along your journey that will allow you to manage your time and goals effectively and efficiently.

Channeling Your Energy

Now, let’s focus on the energy behind your goals. I want you to learn how to insert creative energy into your work and into achieving those goals that have been set. Do this through documenting your ideas to meet your goals and allow yourself to reel in the energy to make them happen. Share ideas with others and get the ideas down on paper. This also frees up room in the brain for other thoughts. It unclutters your brain and leaves room for creativity, more ideas, and improved clarity. Allow yourself, and your brain, some breathing room! You reward is increased creative thoughts and more “out-of-the-box” thinking.

Recording progress also causes an increase in your belief in yourself and your capabilities. You will learn to move past setbacks, to push through major or small disturbances, and to keep your eyes focused ahead. Writing progress down makes it tangible. Support yourself and allow yourself the chance to recognize positives and progress. Your work has been planned, and now you can plan to work.

For more insights on how to remove barriers and get unstuck, take a look around my website. I’d also love to discuss how my services can work for you!